Should You Have Your Twin Tiers Home Pre-Inspected Before You Put it on the Market?

Should You Have Your Twin Tiers Home Pre-Inspected Before You Put it on the Market?

For sellers in the Twin Tiers, waiting on the results of a home inspection can be stressful. Actually, the same is true for buyers. Getting your home pre-inspected before it goes on the market can alleviate a lot of anxiety on both sides.

Here at Precision Home Inspection, we always encourage sellers to opt for the pre-inspection. There are a lot of advantages. Let’s talk about how this benefits both you and your potential buyers.

The Benefits of Pre-Inspection for Sellers

When you put your house up for sale, it’s natural for you to not know everything that might need to be fixed. One reason for this is because you may have lived there for a while, and homeowners can easily overlook needed repairs. This is especially true when they’re not apparent.

It’s not enough to depend on your real estate agent to point out issues that may need attention. There are some great agents in the Twin Tiers, but many of them don’t have the training that’s required to see possible issues with the homes they sell.

When your home is pre-inspected, you’ll have the upper hand when it comes to negotiating with buyers. You will know of any needed repairs ahead of time, and you can fully disclose them before the house is even shown. You can let potential buyers know what repairs you are willing and able to make.

Once you have your home inspection report, there are a few things you can do with it. You can offer it for free to buyers if you choose to. You can also sell it and use the money to offset the cost of the inspection.

What Buyers See When They Notice a Home has Been Pre-Inspected

It’s no secret that a lot of buyers are nervous about getting home inspections. They’re often worried that a serious problem might be uncovered that could put the deal in jeopardy.

A buyer may be drawn to a home that has been pre-inspected for a few reasons. For one, they will be able to find out about any needed repairs right upfront. This is going to help them make a better-informed purchasing decision. Secondly, because the cost of the inspection has been covered, that’s more money they can put toward their down payment and/or closing costs. Even if they need to purchase the inspection report, they will still be saving money in the long run.

If you’re planning to put your Twin Tiers home on the market soon, you should definitely consider a pre-inspection. When you choose Precision Home Inspection, you have the added benefit of passing along a 5-year Roof Leak Warranty, as well as a host of other bonuses. It just makes sense; especially if you’re hoping to sell your home as soon as possible.

Do you need to set up your pre-inspection appointment? We can get it done for you right away. Contact us!

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