What You Can Learn About Your Home’s Appliances During Your Horseheads Home Inspection

What You Can Learn About Your Home’s Appliances During Your Horseheads Home Inspection

There’s nothing worse than moving into your new Horseheads home only to find that your refrigerator doesn’t work.

Or, your dishwasher.

Or, your washer and dryer.

Appliances are a major expense, and many homes on the market today come with the ones you need and use the most. Part of your home inspection should be to check them carefully to be sure they’re operating correctly. Unfortunately, not all inspectors will be thorough enough to do it.

At Precision Home Inspection, we don’t like our customers to be met with any surprises after they move in. We want your transition into your new home to be enjoyable for you. Settling in should not involve having to go out and purchase new appliances because you had no idea the ones you had weren’t going to work.

We are always careful to check all of your appliances. Let’s talk about a few of the areas we concentrate on.

Garbage Disposals

You were thrilled to see that your new home had a garbage disposal. It’s our job to make sure it works the way it’s supposed to. Unfortunately, these appliances will often jam, but fixing it shouldn’t be a big problem. Your inspector should turn it on and allow it to run for a few seconds. We’re listening for too much vibration in the motor, and we’re also checking to see if it’s missing a splashguard.


No new homeowner relishes the idea of standing at the sink and washing dishes for hours on end. A dishwasher may have even been on your list of must-haves for your new home. Your inspector should turn it on to be sure it’s functioning the way it should. Fortunately, this is one appliance that isn’t too expensive to replace if you need to. However, it’s important to know whether or not you’ll need to get a new one before you move in.


You wouldn’t want to get ready to make your first meal only to find out that your stove doesn’t work. That’s why your inspector should be checking to make sure it does. If you have a gas stove, they’ll turn it on to be sure you get a flame. It should be a bright blue color and it should immediately respond when they turn it off. They’ll also be checking for the smell of gas, which could indicate a serious problem.

If you have an electric stove, your inspector will make sure the heating elements aren’t getting too hot. They’ll also check to be sure the controls are working the way they should.

Unfortunately, sometimes there are problems with appliances even when they worked perfectly during the inspection. If that happens with you, there’s no need to worry because we have you covered!

We offer a program called RecallChek, which will alert you if one your new home’s appliances is ever recalled. It can also help you if you need a repair. Once you’re a part of RecallChek, you’ll stay a part of it, even when you get new appliances.

If you’re looking for the best Horseheads home inspector, look no further than Precision Home Inspection! You can even set up your appointment by using our convenient online scheduler.

We look forward to inspecting your new home!

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